Never Underestimate A Human

Never underestimate a human.

Their bones may break easy,

their food may take long to prepare,

but their spirit is invincible,

they may end up being the only species to care.

Humans are tough,

not in skin, but in soul.

They are at odds with everything,

they feel too much to be sane.

Humans laugh in sickness,

they fight in strife.

Humans cry over love-

over time gone past,

and humans will never forget

without a blow to the metaphorical head.

Humans speak without reason,

put want over need.

Humans hit where it hurts

and then try to please

Humans fight without energy,

smile through pain,

they cause hate and end it

with one sign

with one page.

Humans fight without bones

Humans laugh at bananas

Humans weep at the seasons,

and jump at the lightening.

Humans are stupid and arrogant

Humans are not to be underestimated.

See you in another day,


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